Many Saints Peter and Paul parishioners will remember that the residence located at 518 Jackson Street, which is immediately south of the former Saints Peter and Paul School, was used as a convent for many years. Just over 20 years ago, the last religious sisters moved out of this house and since that time it has been used solely as storage for festival-use items (stage, bingo supplies, etc.). For many years this house has not had heat or water service, and only minimal electrical supply. At the rear of the house, the former Auxiliary Services trailer (owned by Sandusky City Schools) also sits empty and unused. We will soon be investigating what the School Board would like to do with this trailer.
Recently, the Saints Peter and Paul Finance Council toured the former convent and began to consider its future. Sandusky Central Catholic School has indicated that they do not have a use for the structure. Additionally, based on its condition, the Council concluded that our parish does not have sufficient resources to invest in improvements that would allow the building to be occupied.
Because this structure has been owned by Saints Peter and Paul Parish for quite some time, we are asking for any comments or suggestions that SPP parishioners may have that would help the Finance Council and Father Hoyles to make a well-reasoned and prudent decision regarding this former residence. Comments and suggestions, which will be accepted through October 16, 2023, should be written and directed to the attention of Father Hoyles; only those that are signed by a SPP parishioner will be considered. These can be dropped into the collection basket, mailed to the Saints Peter and Paul Pastoral Offices (510 Columbus Avenue; Sandusky) or emailed to [email protected].
For those who would like to see pictures and/or a video of the interior of the house, these will be provided in the SPP Gathering Space before and following the weekend Masses on September 23-24 and October 7-8.
The Saints Peter and Paul Parish Finance Council is grateful for your counsel in this important property matter.