There is a Pastoral Council made up of parishioners from all three parishes. Members study and make recommendations to the pastor and pastoral staff in the form of council documents. These documents are then used by the pastoral staff as guidelines for pertinent ministry teams.
Please contact Fr. Monte Hoyles for more information.
Finance Council
There is a Finance Council at each parish. Members help advise the pastor on all temporal matters and good stewardship of our resources. They support and maintain a strong financial structure at their parish, prepare an annual budget, and review monthly statements.
Please contact Deacon Jeff Claar (SM) and Lori Demres (HA & SPP) for more information.
Building & Grounds Committee
The Building and Grounds Committee is a group at each parish that reviews, advises, and/or completes necessary maintenance, repair and renovation projects of the physical facilities of the parish. This group sponsors the spring and fall clean-up of the parish grounds.
Please contact Mark Fitzthum (SM) and Jon Lawrence (SPP & HA) for more information.