All three Sandusky Catholic Parishes will begin accepting 2025 Mass Intentions on Friday, December 6 from 9 AM-1 PM. In-person reservations for all three parishes will be taken at the Sts. Peter and Paul Gathering Space. All parish offices will be closed that day.
Copies of the “2025 Mass Intention Sign Up” sheet will be available that day. Fill out the top portion of the sheet and your Mass offering (suggested $10 offering). Please make out any checks to “St. Mary’s Parish” and we will distribute the correct amount to the parish location of your Mass intention(s).
We will NOT accept any email or phone requests. If you cannot attend in person, please mail in your Mass requests to the parish office where your Mass intention is held. All mailed-in requests will be processed on Monday, December 9. All Mass intentions must be accompanied by your offering, including intentions that are mailed in and dropped off.
We will not accept anonymous donors for Mass intentions. If we receive a Mass intention from an anonymous donor, we will send those Mass intentions to a different parish or mission.
Because Church law limits the number of intentions for each Mass, and because there are a considerable number of individuals who would like to have Masses offered for themselves and/or their loved ones, each individual will be limited to a maximum of five (5) Mass offerings per year. Each individual may not schedule an intention at more than one Mass (1) on the same date.
As in previous years, no offerings will be accepted for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and All Souls Day. On these weekends, all Masses will be offered for “All Mothers,” “All Fathers,” or “All Souls of the Faithful Departed.” Also, due to a number of events this coming year that will take all three of our parish priests out of town, a few weekday Masses have been canceled. Please contact your parish office for any questions.